Less mess, less
machine blockages
and faster wet stacking

Equisol RAPID

Push through more pre-oiling in less time.

Equisol’s unique Rapid formula will speed up your pre-oiling process, with a better finish that penetrates into the timber, allowing moisture and heat to escape, whilst retaining the natural feel of wood. Formulated for the extreme Australian environments.

  • Unique Equisol Rapid formulation made for pre-oiling machines, based on our retail Pro E365 stabilising oil.
  • Can be wet stacked without sticking for easy pre-oiling before construction
  • Fast drying with no wet edge marks
  • No sediment or solids to clog machines
  • No surface crystallisation
  • Includes mouldicides and algaecides
  • Environmentally friendly modified linseed oil
  • Will not give timber a green hue or go black over time
  • Compatible with most penetrating oils, water-based oils and poly-urethane timber finishes
  • Available in 20L, 200L and 1000L bulk containers
Clean up: Soapy water or turpentine
Sizes Available: 20L, 200L, 1000L
Protects Against

USES: Pre-oiling formulation suitable for bare timber intended for exterior installation. Equisol Rapid may be applied to either rough sawn, dressed, pressure treated and unseasoned timber. Not recommended for use on interior timbers.

SURFACE PREPARATION: All surfaces must be free from oil, grease and other contaminants. Equisol Rapid is not recommended on timber where previous coating is present without stripping first.Remove all sanding dust before treating.

APPLICATION: Apply a single coat of Equisol Rapid using a pre-oiling machine, brush, spray or floor applicator. Multiple coats are not recommended, as Equisol Rapid will not penetrate timber, resulting in uneven surface colour and sheen.

NOTE: Equisol Rapid is designed as a pre-oiling formula to protect timber prior to, and during, exterior installation. It is not a final protective coat. A second coat of Equisol ProE365 is required for optimum timber protection. Once timber has been installed, clean all surfaces exposed to weather and foot traffic with Equisol Prime tannin and oil remover as per label instructions, before using Equisol Vitalise to neutralise the surface. Re-oil with Equisol ProE365 as per label instructions.

THINNING: Equisol Rapid does not require thinning.

DRYING TIME: Drying times are dependent on timber type, moisture and climate.

RECOAT: Leave for 24 hours if possible

WALK ON: 24 hours after recoat, or when dry.

COVERAGE: Coverage rate will vary depending on texture and absorbency of wood species to be used.
Softwood: 6-10m2 per litre.
Hardwood: 10-16m2 per litre.

CLEAN UP: Clean brushes and other equipment using soapy water or turpentine.


Moisture gets in from underneath, beginning the decay process. Onsite coatings can\'t reach right around due to access limitations.


Equisol stabilising oil is consistently applied on all four sides by machine, for an even thickness.


Expert TIP: To ensure your timber is protected all the way around, ends sawn on site should be oiled before installation.

Timber components can be pre-finished and assembled before installation
Screens, lattice, panels, fencing and sidings
Protects timber during construction and minimises staining
Timber in difficult access situations can be pre-oiled to reduce costs in labour and scaffolding
Saves time
Less trades on site
Reduces onsite labour costs by reducing the amount of work onsite
Reduces onsite issues and mess
Accelerates installation time as deck does not need to dry between work
Reduces number of top coats on site
More consistent oiling than possible by hand
Not reliant on the weather for onsite application
No sanding in between coats
Reduced hazard of slippery surfaces by reduced drying times
Protects timber close to ground susceptible to rotting due to high moisture content
Minimise blisters, cracks, peels and flakes
All four sides of timber are protected, minimising surface checking, cupping, warping and splitting
Improves dimensional stability by minimising absorption of moisture
Surfaces that cannot be reached by brush after installation are protected
Minimises water stains
Extends the service life of decking and retains the value of the asset
Colour Tone Dark Brown

Dark Brown

Colour Tone Red Brown

Red Brown

Colour Tone Black


Colour Tone Medium Brown

Medium Brown

Colour Tone Pale Brown

Pale Brown

Colour Tone Grey


Choose Your Tone

Colour Tones are available to mix with Equisol to maintain the natural timber colour character, delay silvering, and retain the "freshly oiled look" for longer. If you wish to retain the natural timber colour, use Equisol without a Colour Tone.